Monday, February 27, 2012

Den and Living Room Loft

So, anyhoo, our next box was huge. Too big for one room, so I had the brilliant idea of trying to make it into two rooms by using a folded box lid and gluing it in. Not my brightest idea- but it sorta worked. I thought if we had a column it would support the weight- and it does, but it just gets in the doll's way. They don't like it. The column is a Shea-painted paper towel roll. The shelves, which were originally intended to be library-ish are a knock off Barbie box, and a mac n cheese box. Both covered in felt scraps. The shelves generally hold a hodge podge of toys and trinkets, often Squinkies. A few Puppy in My Pockets have come to check out the room.
The lamp is a folded piece of cardboard and Shea-painted bright blue. The lamp shade, a disposable plastic shot glass- which did not hold paint. We have a brown trash can looking thing from who knows what set.
Up in the loft, the carpet is a piece from the cardboard box back. It was the back of the fore-mentioned set bought for the kitchen...I used the heck out of that box. The purple couch- two pieces of Sytrofoam glued together and covered with felt. It is obviously a comfy couch- for we see the Lalaloopsie resting peacefully. Tiny blue treasure chest looking thing sits beside the couch.

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